Molecular Microbiology and Pathogenesis Lab
Current researchers

Eunsuk Kim
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2007-2014]
MS/Ph.D Combined Degree:
Ajou University[-2024]
Post Doc
Ajou University[2024-Present]

Hyemin Song
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2017-2023]
Master Candidate:
Ajou University[2023-Present]

Yeongjin Cho
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2015-2021]
MS/Ph.D Combined Candidate:
Ajou University[2021-Present]

Siyoung Yoo
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2020-2024]
Master Candidate:
Ajou University[2024-PresenT]

Jeongseok Park
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2017-2023]
Master Candidate:
Ajou University[2023-present]

Jieun An
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2020-2023]
Master Candidate:
Ajou University[2023-Present]

Seoyeon Hwang
Bachelor's Degree:
Eulji University[2010-2013]
Masters Degree:
Ajou University, Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteriology

Jangung Yoon
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2010-2015]
Masters Degree:
Ajou University, Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteriology

Hojoon Lee
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2010-2015]
Masters Degree:
Ajou University, Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteriology

Seongok Kim
Bachelor's Degree:
Inha University, Food & Nutrition [2005-2009]
MS/Ph.D Combined:
Seoul National University
Post Doctoral:
Ajou University[2016-2018]

Jeong Jisu
Bachelor's Degree:
Soon Chun Hyang University, Medical Science[2012-2016]
Masters Degree:
Ajou University, Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteriology

Jiyoon Choi
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2013-2016]
Masters Degree:
Ajou University, Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteriology

Sojung Park
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2013-2017]
Masters Degree:
Ajou University, Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteriology

Eunwoo Nam
Bachelor's Degree:
Ulsan University, Bioscience[2010-2017]
Masters Degree:
Ajou University, Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteriology

Seul I Kim
Masters Degree:
Eulji University, Food microbiology [2013-2015]
Ajou University, Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteriology [2015-2019]
Post Doctoral:
Ajou University[2020-2021]

Yeeun Kim
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2016-2019]
Masters Degree:
Ajou University[2020-2021]

Jiwon Baek
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University,
Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2015-2019]
Masters Degree:
Ajou University[2020-2021]

Kyungah Park
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University,
Biological Science[2013-2021]
Masters Candidate:
Ajou University[2021-Present]

Seohyeon Lee
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2017-2021]
Masters Candidate:
Ajou University[2021-Present]

Jeongik Cho
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [2016-2021]
Master Candidate:
Ajou University[2021-Present]

Mihae Kim
Bachelor's Degree:
Yongin University, Food and Nutrition[2014-2018]
Master Candidate:
Ajou University[2022-2024]
Hyaejoo Jeong
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [Class of 2014]
Ajou University[2015]
Hweewon Choi
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [Class of 2014]
Ajou University[2015]
Soomin Jeong
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [Class of 2014]
Ajou University[2019]
Soomin Ji
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [Class of 2017]
Ajou University[2015]
Dongwon Hwang
Bachelor's Degree:
Ajou University, Applied Chemistry & Biological Engineering [Class of 2014]
Ajou University[2020]